Friday, June 19, 2009

Long time no post! And a Marvel Comics related topic.

Whoa! Has it been that long already? Wow, sorry about the slow updates, and damn do I mean SLOOOOW! Hahaha! Anyhoo, a lot's happened in the world of comics since my last update. Cap's coming back (Steve Rogers), Norman Osborn has amassed a TON of political power and runs his own Avengers team, Batman "Died", Dick Grayson is now Batman, Deadpool's a movie star destined to get his own spin-off (Hopefully they do him justice this time), Green Lantern is "Green-Lit" for his own movie, Spider-Man's clone Ben Reilly, whom you may remember as the Scarlet Spider, is supposedly returning, and... the identity of Red Hulk is STILL unknown. Some things never change, I suppose. Now to talk about the other part of this blog's title: Fat chix!

I was wondering about which heroine I'd like to see fat and write about when it hit me: If the Marvel Universe (Earth-616) is always advertised as being the comic universe where characters have everyday normal hangups like REAL people do everyday, then why the heck hasn't one of the major females in one of their series developed overeating? I mean, c'mon. Hulk was abused, Iron Man had heart problems and has fallen to alcohol at least twice, Peter Parker Spider-Man has had hangups varying from needing enough money for the monthly rent to ulcers! Now, if memory serves, MJ's cousin Kristy who was living with the Parkers for a time in the late '80s or early '90s I believe, had bulemia. That's all fine and dandy, but she was a minor background character. Hulk, Iron Man, and Spider-Man have been around for YEARS! When a smaller, new, and let's face it, not-so-important character develops hang-ups or problems, it's hard for an audience of readers to find interest in said hang-ups and problems, let alone maintain interest. Where's Kristy today? Heck if I know; if any of you do, feel free to tell me in a comment. The point is, Kristy isn't even a supporting cast member these days. She's basically irrelevant to Spider-Man comics today. What I feel Marvel needs to do, is make one (Or more. I'm all for more fat comic book babes, hahaha!) of their more well known females fat. I say go for Mary Jane Watson since she's human, number one, she suffered addictions before (Smoking), so it's easy to substitute one addiction with another, and becuase Spider-Man and his supporting cast is so relatable. That and I love the thought of MJ being fat in general; I have for a long time. Heck, if not MJ, go for former Peter Parker love interest and current supporting character, Betty Brant. Now, if we're talking about making a superheroine fat, go for Ms.Marvel (Carol Danvers) who's been an alcoholic and has her own book, She-Hulk, the sexy steamy green female lawyer, which would be easy to do: Just have Jennifer Walters pack on the pounds and you get instant fat She-Hulk, since writer John Byrne I believe introduced the whole "Exponential weight" concept back when he was writing her, which means She-Hulk's body frame is somewhat proportionate to her alter-ego Jen Walter's body (i.e. If Jen exercises and gets toned, the more Shulkie is, etc.). I'd also have Wasp get fat just to mess up her fashion designing and thus cause her to revamp her clothing line into plus sizes for her and other fat women, but she's currently dead for the moment. Another good choice would be Spider-Woman. She just returned after Secret Invasion and this might help with character development for her. Don't tell me being kidnapped by aliens wouldn't cause you to stress out and try to find a way to cope with it (In her case, it's food. LOTS of it. Hahaha!). As for X-Women, any one of them will do: From Emma Frost to Jean Grey, to Kitty Pryde, to Storm, etc. Here's an easy one: Rogue absorbs Blob's powers and finds herself eating more and more, thus gaining even MORE weight. Simple, yet effective. So c'mon, what's Marvel's excuse? Why no fat major comic book babes?!?

Monday, December 1, 2008

Custom Big Bertha Action Figures!

You've gotta admit, Big Bertha has some of the best powers a female could ask for in comics. For those of you who don't already know what her powers are, her real name is Ashley Crawford and she's a model (Who's thin, by the way). She's also a mutant on the Great Lakes Avengers team with the power to fatten up to such epic proportions as the (X-Men villain) Blob himself ! Awesome, no?What you see in the pics above are 2 customs of Big Bertha, both made from the Marvel Legends Blob Build-a-Figure that I found on So yeah, sadly, these aren't real and available at retail (Oh, how I wish they were... hahaha!) or anywhere else for that matter, although I believe the Big Bertha in the first pic was available on ebay at one time, but I don't think it ever sold... If I had to pick my favorite of the 2, I'd go with the 2nd one, although I do like the costume's collar on the 1st one. For some reason, the 2nd one just looks much cuter in the face and all around (Probably because the customizer used a She-Hulk head and some sculpting clay). With a little luck, maybe Hasbro could make her available as a BAF someday (I know I'd build her). What do you guys think about these one of a kind Big Bertha action figures, and Big Bertha in general? Be sure to let me know in a comment.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Welcome to Comix and Fat Chix...

Hello there. This is Dr-Spy. Many of you may know me from Deviant Art, Curvage, AIM, or even Allow me to take this oppertunity to welcome you to my blog; a blog that combines two of my favorite subjects: Comic books and fat chicks (Some of you may know them as bbw or ssbbw). That's right, if it pertains to comic books, fat chicks, female weight gain, or even cartoons, I will probably cover or discuss it here. For example, I may decide to do an article on a comic book female whom I would like to see get fat. From there I'll go into other specifics, such as how fat I'd like to see them, how I'd have them gain the weight, other story specifics, etc. This may also pertain to cartoon females as well. I may also do such articles as a fat comic book babe spotlight. What that means, is that I may decide to do an article on an actual comic book female who's been fat before (Such as a certain former New Mutants member, whom I'd rather not give the name of away until possibly I do an article on her. All the better to keep you in wait and suspense). I would also like to maybe eventually do interviews of some kind with weight gain artists, etc. So, if your fall into the category of weight gain artist and would be interested in an interview, be sure to let me know. To kick things off on my blog, I added a poll featuring 10 choices of comic book babes you would most like to see get fat. For those of you who vote, feel free to add in comments, or what have you, in a comment for this blog post. It appears someone picked Mary Jane Watson before I had a chance to write this entry, so please feel free to come back and comment about why you chose the red headed bombshell (I can't say that I blame you, hahaha. She'd make a great fat chick...). Thanks for dropping by, and I hope you visit again soon (Maybe even follow or subscribe to this blog... hahaha!).